
You’re at the Cat Rescue Society, reading Cat Warriors to the shy cats one Sunday afternoon. You’re just starting Chapter 2 of Fire Storm when you notice movement on the other side of the room. You look up and are met with 8 pairs of eyes and erratically swishing tails. All 8 cats are stalking you, growling menacingly, and you realize that their eyes are glowing an unnatural yellow. You slowly stand and walk to the door. It’s locked! You bang on the door, but everyone seems to have disappeared. You’re locked in, alone, and the cats are closing in.

You have your book, which you don’t want to soil, a piece of fresh bubblegum in your pocket, and the scrunchie in your hair. You must use these to escape the cats and the room.

BONUS: You’ve thought of one way to escape with those resources. Now think of another, totally new way!


I’m Not All Bad!


Ravensmoore House